templates/front/product/single.html.twig line 273

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  1. {% extends 'base_front.html.twig' %}
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  3.     {% if notes['globalNote']['count'] > 0 %}
  4.         {% set globalNote = notes['globalNote']['totalNote'] / notes['globalNote']['count'] %}
  5.     {% else %}
  6.         {% set globalNote = 0 %}
  7.     {% endif %}
  8.     <title>Produit
  9.         {{ product.name }}</title>
  10.     <meta name="description" content="Le produit {{ product.name }} de la catégorie {{ product.subCategories.first.name }} {% if globalNote > 0 %}possède une note de {{ globalNote|number_format(1, '.') }}/5 {% else %}à un stock limité à {{ product.quantity }} articles, dépéchez-vous !{% endif %}">
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  245.                     <div class="modal-header">
  246.                         <h5 class="modal-title" id="">Modifier les groupes d'options</h5>
  247.                         <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
  248.                             <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
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  269.                                             <input type="checkbox" name="" id="rouge" class="custom-control-input">
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  276.                                     {# </div>
  277.                                     <div class="col-4">
  278.                                         <label for="qt1" class="mt9">Quantité</label>
  279.                                         <input type="number" name="" min="0" id="" class="form-control">
  280.                                         <input type="number" name="" min="0" id="" class="form-control">
  281.                                         <input type="number" name="" min="0" id="" class="form-control">
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  284.                                 <div class="row">
  285.                                     <div class="col-8">
  286.                                         <label class="labold" for="">Taille</label>
  287.                                         <select name="" id="valeurOpionNm" class="form-control wide" style="display: block !important;">     #}
  288.                                             {# <option value="">M (6€)</option>
  289.                                             <option value="">L (8€)</option>
  290.                                             <option value="">XL (10€)</option> #}
  291.                                         {# </select>    
  292.                                     </div>
  293.                                     <div class="col-4">
  294.                                         <label for="qt1" class="mt9">Quantité</label>
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  296.                                     </div>
  297.                                 </div><br> #}
  298.                                 {# <div class="row">
  299.                                     <div class="col-8">
  300.                                         <label class="labold" for="">Type tissu</label>
  301.                                         <select name="" id="" class="form-control wide" style="display: block !important;">
  302.                                             <option value="">Semi-cotton (2€)</option>
  303.                                             <option value="">Cotton (4€)</option>
  304.                                             <option value="">t-shirt rétréci (5€)</option>
  305.                                         </select>
  306.                                     </div>
  307.                                     <div class="col-4">
  308.                                         <label for="qt1" class="mt9">Quantité</label>
  309.                                         <input type="number" name="" min="0" id="" class="form-control">
  310.                                     </div>
  311.                                 </div><br> #}
  312.                             </div>
  313.                         </div>
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  315.                     {# {% endfor %}
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  319.                         <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" id="" onclick="validemodalgroupe()">Ok</button>
  320.                     </div>
  321.                 {# </form> #}
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  332.                         <h5 class="modal-title" id="">Modifier les options</h5>
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  347.                                 <div class="optionscolor">
  348.                                     <label >couleur d'option</label>
  349.                                     <select name="" id="optionscolor" class="form-control wide" style="display: block;">
  350.                                     </select>
  351.                                 </div><br>
  352.                                 <div class="optionsform">
  353.                                     <label for="optionsform">Format</label>
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  355.                                     </select>    
  356.                                 </div><br>
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  358.                                     <label for="optionsfinition">Finition :</label>
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  360.                                     </select>
  361.                                 </div><br>
  362.                                 <div class="optionspapier">
  363.                                     <label for="optionspapier">Papier :</label>
  364.                                     <select name="" id="optionspapier" class="form-control wide"style="display: block !important;">
  365.                                     </select>
  366.                                 </div><br>
  367.                                 <div class="optionsetiquette">
  368.                                     <label for="optionsetiquette">Étiquette :</label>
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  370.                                     </select>
  371.                                 </div><br>
  372.                                 <div class="optionsruban">
  373.                                     <label for="optionsruban">Ruban: :</label>
  374.                                     <select name="" id="optionsruban" class="form-control wide" style="display: block !important;">    
  375.                                     </select>
  376.                                 </div><br>
  377.                                 <div class="optionsquantite">
  378.                                 <label for="optionsquantite">Quantité :</label>
  379.                                 <select name="" id="optionsquantite" class="form-control wide" style="display: block !important;">
  380.                                 </select>
  381.                                 </div><br>
  382.                             </div>
  383.                         </div>
  384.                     </div>
  385.                     {# {% endfor %}
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  389.                         <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" id="validemodaloption" onclick="validemodaloption()">Ok</button>
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  391.                 {# </form> #}
  392.             </div>
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  397.         <div class="owl-carousel owl-theme owl-second">
  398.             {% for photo in product.photos %}
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  408.                         <div class="vendor-head text-left">
  409.                             <h2 class="mb10">{{ product.name }}</h2>
  410.                             <p class="text-black-50">
  411.                                 <span class="mr-2">
  412.                                     <i class="fas fa-map-marker-alt "></i>
  413.                                 </span>
  414.                                 {% for department in product.departments %}
  415.                                     {{ department.name }}
  416.                                     {% if not loop.last %},
  417.                                     {% endif %}
  418.                                 {% else %}
  419.                                     Dans toute la France
  420.                                 {% endfor %}
  421.                                 <br>Service de la catégorie
  422.                                 <a href="{{ path('front_product_subcategory', {'subCategorySlug': product.subCategories.first.subCategorySlug}) }}" class="btn-default-link">{{ product.subCategories.first.name }}</a>
  423.                             </p>
  424.                             <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModalCenter">
  425.                             Lire  la  condition générale de vente
  426.                             </button>
  427.                             <!-- Modal -->
  428.                             {% if (product.company.conditionsVente|raw)  is null or (product.company.conditionsVente|raw == '') %}
  429.                                 <div class="modal fade" id="exampleModalCenter" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exampleModalCenterTitle" aria-hidden="true">
  430.                                     <div class="modal-dialog modal-xl" role="document">
  431.                                         <div class="modal-content">
  432.                                         <div class="modal-header">
  433.                                             <h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalCenterTitle">Condition générale de vente</h5>
  434.                                             <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
  435.                                             <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
  436.                                             </button>
  437.                                         </div>
  438.                                         <div class="modal-body">
  439.                                                 Veulliez contactez votre prestataire pour connaitre la condition de vente
  440.                                         </div>
  441.                                         </div>
  442.                                     </div>
  443.                                 </div>
  444.                             {% else %}
  445.                                 <div class="modal fade" id="exampleModalCenter" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exampleModalCenterTitle" aria-hidden="true">
  446.                                     <div class="modal-dialog modal-xl" role="document">
  447.                                         <div class="modal-content">
  448.                                         <div class="modal-header">
  449.                                             <h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalCenterTitle">Condition générale de vente</h5>
  450.                                             <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
  451.                                             <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
  452.                                             </button>
  453.                                         </div>
  454.                                         <div class="modal-body">
  455.                                                 {{ product.company.conditionsVente | raw }}
  456.                                         </div>
  457.                                         </div>
  458.                                     </div>
  459.                                 </div>                    
  460.                             {% endif %}
  462.                         </div>
  463.                     </div>
  464.                     <div class="col-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-12">
  465.                         <div class="vendor-head text-xl-right row">
  466.                             {% if product.photos is not empty %}
  467.                                 <div class="col-md-6">
  468.                                     <a href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-sm ml-2 text-center" id="open-popup-images">Voir les photos</a>
  469.                                 </div>
  470.                             {% endif %}
  471.                             {% if product.youtubeVideo %}
  472.                                 <div class="col-md-6">
  473.                                     <a class="popup-youtube btn btn-default btn-sm ml-2 text-center" href="{{ product.youtubeVideo }}">Voir la vidéo</a>
  474.                                 </div>
  475.                             {% endif %}
  476.                         </div>
  477.                     </div>
  478.                 </div>
  479.             </div>
  480.             <div class="vendor-meta bg-white border m-0 ">
  481.                 <div class="vendor-meta-item vendor-meta-item-bordered">
  482.                     <span class="vendor-price">
  483.                         {{ product.price|number_format(2, '.', '') }}€
  484.                     </span>
  485.                     <span class="vendor-text">Prix</span>
  486.                 </div>
  487.                 <div class="vendor-meta-item vendor-meta-item-bordered">
  488.                     {% if product.quantity %}
  489.                         <span class="vendor-guest">
  490.                             {{ product.quantity }}
  491.                         </span>
  492.                         <span class="vendor-text">Quantité restante</span>
  493.                     {% endif %}
  494.                 </div>
  495.                 {% set notesProduct = 0 %}
  496.                 {% for avi in product.avis %}
  497.                     {% set notesProduct = notesProduct + avi.globalNote %}
  498.                 {% endfor %}
  499.                 {% set noteTotalProduct = (notesProduct > 0) ? notesProduct / product.avis|length : 0 %}
  500.                 <div class="vendor-meta-item vendor-meta-item-bordered">
  501.                     <span class="rating-star">
  502.                         {% for i in 1..5 %}
  503.                             {% if i < noteTotalProduct %}
  504.                                 <i class="fa fa-star rated"></i>
  505.                             {% else %}
  506.                                 <i class="fa fa-star rate-mute"></i>
  507.                             {% endif %}
  508.                         {% endfor %}
  509.                     </span>
  510.                     <span class="rating-count vendor-text">({{ product.avis|length }})</span>
  511.                 </div>
  512.             </div>
  513.         </div>
  514.     </div>
  515.     <!-- /.page-header -->
  516.     <!-- page-header -->
  517.     {# Zoom img option #}
  518.     {% if product.company.isConfirmed %}
  519.         {% if product.productOptions %}
  520.             {% for option in product.productOptions %}
  521.                 {% if option.image1 %}
  522.                     <img id="{{ option.id }}btn1img" class="imgZoomOption" src="{{ asset(constant('App\\Services\\File::IMAGE_PRODUCT_DIR') ~ option.image1) }}">
  523.                 {% endif %}
  524.                 {% if option.image2 %}
  525.                     <img id="{{ option.id }}btn2img" class="imgZoomOption" src="{{ asset(constant('App\\Services\\File::IMAGE_PRODUCT_DIR') ~ option.image2) }}">
  526.                 {% endif %}
  527.             {% endfor %}
  528.         {% endif %}
  529.     {% endif %}
  530.     <div class="backgroundTrans"></div>
  531.     <button class="exitZoomOpt">X</button>
  532.     {# Zoom img option #}
  533.     {# Pannier #}
  534.     {# <div class="tab-pane fade active show" id="allguest" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="allguest-tab" style="width:100%">
  535.         <div class="card-body">
  536.             <h3>Mon panier ({{ products|length }} produit{% if products|length > 1 %}s{% endif %})</h3>
  537.         </div>
  538.         <div class="table-responsive" style="width:100%">
  539.             <table class="table mt-4">
  540.                 <thead>
  541.                 <tr>
  542.                     <th class="wedding-budget-event">Designation</th>
  543.                     <th class="wedding-budget-estimate">Aperçu</th>
  544.                     <th class="wedding-budget-estimate">Prix à l'unité</th>
  545.                     <th class="wedding-budget-actual">Quantité</th>
  546.                     <th class="wedding-budget-paid">Total produit</th>
  547.                     <th class="wedding-budget-paid"></th>
  548.                 </tr>
  549.                 </thead>
  550.                 <tbody>
  551.                 {% if pack %}
  552.                     <tr>
  553.                         <td>{{ pack.name }}</td>
  554.                         <td><img src="{{ asset(constant('App\\Services\\File::IMAGE_PRODUCT_DIR')) ~ pack.image }}" style="height:50px;border-radius:2px"></td>
  555.                         <td><span class="total-amount">{{ pack.price|number_format(2, '.') }}€</span></td>
  556.                         <td>1</td>
  557.                         <td><span class="total-amount">{{ pack.price|number_format(2, '.') }}€</span></td>
  558.                         <td class="paid-total"><a href="{{ path('front_my_basket_remove_pack', {'id': pack.id}) }}" class="btn btn-rounded btn-default">Supprimer du panier</a></td>
  559.                     </tr>
  560.                 {% endif %}
  561.                 {% set TotalPriceProduct = 0 %}
  562.                 {% for product in products %}
  563.                     <tr class="border-bottom">
  564.                         <td>{{ product.product.name }}
  565.                             {% set isClothing = null %}
  566.                             {% for subcategory in product.product.subCategories %}
  567.                                 {% if subcategory.isClothing %}
  568.                                     {% set isClothing = true %}
  569.                                 {% endif %}
  570.                             {% endfor %}
  571.                             {% if isClothing %}
  572.                                 <br><strong>Taille : {{ product.size }}</strong>
  573.                             {% endif %}
  574.                             {% set isColor = null %}
  575.                             {% for subcategory in product.product.subCategories %}
  576.                                 {% if subcategory.isColor %}
  577.                                     {% set isColor = true %}
  578.                                 {% endif %}
  579.                             {% endfor %}
  580.                             {% if isColor %}
  581.                                 <br><strong>Couleur : {{ product.color }}</strong>
  582.                             {% endif %}
  583.                         </td>
  584.                         <td><img src="{{ asset(constant('App\\Services\\File::IMAGE_PRODUCT_DIR')) ~ product.product.photos.first.url }}" style="height:50px;border-radius:2px"></td>
  585.                         {% if product.promo %}
  586.                             {% set ProductPrice = product.product.price - product.promo %}
  587.                         {% else %}
  588.                             {% set ProductPrice = product.product.price %}
  589.                         {% endif %}
  590.                         <td class="estimate-total"><span class="total-amount">{% if product.promo %}<small><del>{{ product.product.price|number_format(2, '.') }}€</del></small> <strong>{{ ProductPrice|number_format(2, '.') }}€</strong>{% else %}{{ ProductPrice|number_format(2, '.') }}€{% endif %}</span><br>{% if product.promo %}(code promo -{{ product.promo }}€){% endif %}</td>
  591.                         <td class="actual-total">{{ product.quantity }}</td>
  592.                         {% set TotalWithQuantity = product.quantity * ProductPrice %}
  593.                         {% set TotalPriceProduct = TotalPriceProduct + TotalWithQuantity %}
  594.                         <td class="paid-total"><span class="total-amount">{{ TotalWithQuantity|number_format(2, '.') }}€</span></td>
  595.                         <td class="paid-total"><a href="{{ path('front_my_basket_remove_product', {'id': product.product.id}) }}" class="btn btn-rounded btn-default">Supprimer du panier</a></td>
  596.                     </tr>
  597.                     {% for option in product.options %}
  598.                         {% set optionObject = filter_service.getProductOption(option) %}
  599.                         {% set TotalPriceProduct = TotalPriceProduct + optionObject.price %}
  600.                         <tr class="border-bottom" style="background:#fff">
  601.                             <td class="pl-4"><strong>Option :</strong> {{ optionObject.name }}</td>
  602.                             <td></td>
  603.                             <td class="estimate-total"><span class="total-amount">{{ optionObject.price|number_format(2, '.') }}€</span></td>
  604.                             <td class="actual-total"></td>
  605.                             <td class="paid-total"><span class="total-amount">{{ optionObject.price|number_format(2, '.') }}€</span></td>
  606.                             <td class="paid-total"></td>
  607.                         </tr>
  608.                     {% endfor %}
  609.                 {% endfor %}
  610.                 {% if pack or products is not empty %}
  611.                     <tr>
  612.                         <td>TOTAL :</td>
  613.                         <td></td>
  614.                         <td></td>
  615.                         <td></td>
  616.                         {% if pack %}
  617.                             {% set TotalPriceProduct = TotalPriceProduct + pack.price  %}
  618.                         {% endif %}
  619.                         <td>{{ TotalPriceProduct|number_format(2, '.') }}€</td>
  620.                     </tr>
  621.                 {% endif %}
  622.                 {% if not pack and products is empty %}
  623.                     <tr><td>Aucun produit ajouté au panier</td></tr>
  624.                 {% endif %}
  625.                 </tbody>
  626.             </table>
  627.         </div>
  628.         <div class="card-footer" style="height:70px">
  629.             {% if products|length > 0 or pack is not null %}
  630.                 {% if is_granted('ROLE_ENTERPRISE') == false %}
  631.                 <div class="float-left">
  632.                     {{ form_start(form, {'attr': {'class': 'form-inline'}}) }}
  633.                     <div class="form-group">
  634.                         {{ form_widget(form.codePromo) }}
  635.                     </div>
  636.                     <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default ml-3">Valider</button>
  637.                     {{ form_end(form) }}
  638.                     {% if isMessagePromo is defined and isMessagePromo %}
  639.                         <span style="color:green">Code promo valide !</span>
  640.                     {% endif %}
  641.                 </div>
  642.                 <div class="float-right">
  643.                     <a href="{{ path('front_command_livraison') }}" class="btn btn-primary">Commander</a>
  644.                 </div>
  645.                 {% endif %}
  646.             {% endif %}
  647.         </div>
  648.     </div> #}
  649.     {# Pannier #}
  650.     <div class="vendor-content-wrapper">
  651.         <div class="container">
  652.             <div class="row">
  653.                 <div
  654.                     class="col-xl-8 col-lg-9 col-md-9 col-sm-12 col-12">
  655.                     <!--vendor-details -->
  656.                     <div style="overflow: hidden">
  657.                         <div class="card border card-shadow-none">
  658.                             <h3 class="card-header bg-white">A propos du service</h3>
  659.                             <div class="card-body card-box overflow-hidden">
  660.                                 <!--/.vendor-details -->
  661.                                 <!--vendor-description -->
  662.                                     {% if product.company.isEditorGuide %}
  663.                                         {% if product.productDescription and product.template %}
  664.                                         {{ include('front/html/template/template'~product.template~'.html.twig') }}
  665.                                     {% else %}
  666.                                         <p class="lead">{{ product.text|raw }}</p>
  667.                                     {% endif %}
  668.                                 {% else %}
  669.                                     <p class="lead">{{ product.text|raw }}</p>
  670.                                 {% endif %}
  671.                             </div>
  672.                         </div>
  673.                         <!--vendor-description -->
  674.                         <!-- review-block -->
  675.                         {% for message in app.flashes('success') %}
  676.                             <div class="alert alert-success">
  677.                                 {{ message }}
  678.                             </div>
  679.                         {% endfor %}
  680.                         <div id="reviews">
  681.                             <div class="card border card-shadow-none ">
  682.                                 <div class="card-header bg-white">
  683.                                     <h3 class="mb0 d-inline-block" id="global_notes">Notes</h3>
  684.                                     {% if app.user and app.user.roles[0] == 'ROLE_USER' %}
  685.                                         {% set ifAvis = filter_service.getAvisUserExist(app.user, product) %}
  686.                                         {% if ifAvis == false %}
  687.                                             <a href="#review-form" class="btn btn-default btn-sm float-right d-inline-block">Donnez votre avis</a>
  688.                                         {% endif %}
  689.                                     {% endif %}
  690.                                 </div>
  691.                                 <div class="card-body">
  692.                                     <div class="review-block">
  693.                                         <div class="row">
  694.                                             <div
  695.                                                 class="col-xl-6 col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-12">
  696.                                                 <!-- review-sidebar -->
  697.                                                 <div class="review-sidebar">
  698.                                                     {% if notes['globalNote']['count'] > 0 %}
  699.                                                         {% set globalNote = notes['globalNote']['totalNote'] / notes['globalNote']['count'] %}
  700.                                                     {% else %}
  701.                                                         {% set globalNote = 0 %}
  702.                                                     {% endif %}
  703.                                                     <div class="review-total">{{ globalNote|number_format(1, '.') }}</div>
  704.                                                     <div class="review-text">moyenne des notes</div>
  705.                                                     <span class="rated">
  706.                                                         {% for i in 1..5 %}
  707.                                                             {% if i <= globalNote|round %}
  708.                                                                 <i class="fa fa-star"></i>
  709.                                                             {% else %}
  710.                                                                 <i class="far fa-star"></i>
  711.                                                             {% endif %}
  712.                                                         {% endfor %}
  713.                                                     </span>
  714.                                                     {% if notes['globalNote']['count'] %}
  715.                                                         <p>Note de
  716.                                                             {{ globalNote|number_format(1, '.') }}
  717.                                                             basée sur
  718.                                                             {{ notes['globalNote']['count'] }}
  719.                                                             note
  720.                                                             {% if notes['globalNote']['count'] > 1 %}s
  721.                                                             {% endif %}.</p>
  722.                                                     {% else %}
  723.                                                         <p>Aucune note pour le moment</p>
  724.                                                     {% endif %}
  725.                                                 </div>
  726.                                                 <!-- /.review-sidebar -->
  727.                                             </div>
  728.                                             <div class="col-xl-6 col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-12">
  729.                                                 <div
  730.                                                     class="review-box">
  731.                                                     <!-- review-list -->
  732.                                                     <div class="review-list">
  733.                                                         {% set globalQualityService = notes['qualityService']['count'] ? notes['qualityService']['totalNote'] / notes['qualityService']['count'] : notes['qualityService']['count'] %}
  734.                                                         <div class="review-for">Qualité du service</div>
  735.                                                         <div class="review-rating">
  736.                                                             <span class="rated">
  737.                                                                 {% for i in 1..5 %}
  738.                                                                     {% if i <= globalQualityService %}
  739.                                                                         <i class="fa fa-star"></i>
  740.                                                                     {% else %}
  741.                                                                         <i class="far fa-star"></i>
  742.                                                                     {% endif %}
  743.                                                                 {% endfor %}
  744.                                                             </span>
  745.                                                         </div>
  746.                                                         <div class="review-number">{{ globalQualityService|number_format(1, '.') }}</div>
  747.                                                     </div>
  748.                                                     <!-- /.review-list -->
  749.                                                     <!-- review-list -->
  750.                                                     <div class="review-list">
  751.                                                         {% set globalPrice = notes['price']['count'] ? notes['price']['totalNote'] / notes['price']['count'] : notes['price']['count'] %}
  752.                                                         <div class="review-for">Prix</div>
  753.                                                         <div class="review-rating">
  754.                                                             <span class="rated">
  755.                                                                 {% for i in 1..5 %}
  756.                                                                     {% if i <= globalPrice %}
  757.                                                                         <i class="fa fa-star"></i>
  758.                                                                     {% else %}
  759.                                                                         <i class="far fa-star"></i>
  760.                                                                     {% endif %}
  761.                                                                 {% endfor %}
  762.                                                             </span>
  763.                                                         </div>
  764.                                                         <div class="review-number">{{ globalPrice|number_format(1, '.') }}</div>
  765.                                                     </div>
  766.                                                     <!-- /.review-list -->
  767.                                                     <!-- review-list -->
  768.                                                     <div class="review-list">
  769.                                                         {% set globalSpeed = notes['speed']['count'] ? notes['speed']['totalNote'] / notes['speed']['count'] : notes['speed']['count'] %}
  770.                                                         <div class="review-for">Rapidité</div>
  771.                                                         <div class="review-rating">
  772.                                                             <span class="rated">
  773.                                                                 {% for i in 1..5 %}
  774.                                                                     {% if i <= globalSpeed %}
  775.                                                                         <i class="fa fa-star"></i>
  776.                                                                     {% else %}
  777.                                                                         <i class="far fa-star"></i>
  778.                                                                     {% endif %}
  779.                                                                 {% endfor %}
  780.                                                             </span>
  781.                                                         </div>
  782.                                                         <div class="review-number">{{ globalSpeed|number_format(1, '.') }}</div>
  783.                                                     </div>
  784.                                                     <div class="review-list">
  785.                                                         {% set globalConformite = notes['conformDescription']['count'] ? notes['conformDescription']['totalNote'] / notes['conformDescription']['count'] : notes['conformDescription']['count'] %}
  786.                                                         <div class="review-for">Description conforme</div>
  787.                                                         <div class="review-rating">
  788.                                                             <span class="rated">
  789.                                                                 {% for i in 1..5 %}
  790.                                                                     {% if i <= globalConformite %}
  791.                                                                         <i class="fa fa-star"></i>
  792.                                                                     {% else %}
  793.                                                                         <i class="far fa-star"></i>
  794.                                                                     {% endif %}
  795.                                                                 {% endfor %}
  796.                                                             </span>
  797.                                                         </div>
  798.                                                         <div class="review-number">{{ globalConformite|number_format(1, '.') }}</div>
  799.                                                     </div>
  800.                                                     <div class="review-list">
  801.                                                         {% set globalCommunication = notes['communication']['count'] ? notes['communication']['totalNote'] / notes['communication']['count'] : notes['communication']['count'] %}
  802.                                                         <div class="review-for">Communication</div>
  803.                                                         <div class="review-rating">
  804.                                                             <span class="rated">
  805.                                                                 {% for i in 1..5 %}
  806.                                                                     {% if i <= globalCommunication %}
  807.                                                                         <i class="fa fa-star"></i>
  808.                                                                     {% else %}
  809.                                                                         <i class="far fa-star"></i>
  810.                                                                     {% endif %}
  811.                                                                 {% endfor %}
  812.                                                             </span>
  813.                                                         </div>
  814.                                                         <div class="review-number">{{ globalCommunication|number_format(1, '.') }}</div>
  815.                                                     </div>
  816.                                                     <!-- /.review-list -->
  817.                                                 </div>
  818.                                             </div>
  819.                                         </div>
  820.                                     </div>
  821.                                 </div>
  822.                             </div>
  823.                             <div class="card border card-shadow-none widget-vendor-list ">
  824.                                 <div class="card-body pl-0 pr-0">
  825.                                     <div class="col-xl-12 col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-12">
  826.                                         <h3 class="mb20">Avis</h3>
  827.                                     </div>
  828.                                     {# <pre>
  829.                                         {{ dump(productAvis|slice(0, 3)) }}
  830.                                     </pre> #}
  831.                                     {% for key,productAvi in productAvis|slice(0, 3) %}
  832.                                         {% if productAvi.isDesactivatedByAdmin == null and productAvi.isDesactivatedByAdmin == false %}
  833.                                             <div class="card border card-shadow-none ">
  834.                                                 <!-- review-user -->
  835.                                                 <div class="card-header bg-white mb0">
  836.                                                     <div class="review-user">
  837.                                                         <div class="user-img">
  838.                                                             <img src="{{ asset(constant('App\\Services\\File::IMAGE_CLIENT_DIR') ~ productAvi.client.image) }}" alt="{{ productAvi.client.firstName }}" class="rounded-circle" style="width:50px;height:50px;object-fit:cover"></div>
  839.                                                         <div class="user-meta">
  840.                                                             <h5 class="user-name mb-0">{{ productAvi.client.firstName }}<span class="user-review-date">{{ productAvi.createdAt|date('d/m/Y') }}</span>
  841.                                                             </h5>
  842.                                                             <div class="given-review">
  843.                                                                 <span class="rated">
  844.                                                                         <i class="fa fa-star"></i>
  845.                                                                     {% for i in 2..5 %}
  846.                                                                         {% if i <= productAvi.globalNote|round %}
  847.                                                                             <i class="fa fa-star"></i>
  848.                                                                         {% else %}
  849.                                                                             <i class="far fa-star"></i>
  850.                                                                         {% endif %}
  851.                                                                     {% endfor %}
  852.                                                                 </span>
  853.                                                             </div>
  854.                                                         </div>
  855.                                                     </div>
  856.                                                 </div>
  857.                                                 <!-- /.review-user -->
  858.                                                 <div class="card-body">
  859.                                                     <!-- review-descripttions -->
  860.                                                     <div class="review-descriptions mb-2" id="cli_{{key}}">
  861.                                                         <p>
  862.                                                             <i>{{ productAvi.text }}</i>
  863.                                                         </p>
  864.                                                         <div class="cont_img_comment">
  865.                                                         {% for imageComment in productAvi.imageComments.toArray() %}
  866.                                                             <img src={{ asset(constant('App\\Services\\File::IMAGE_COMMENT_DIR') ~ imageComment.url) }} class="img_comment">
  867.                                                         {% endfor %}
  868.                                                         </div>
  869.                                                     </div>
  870.                                                     {% if productAvi.responseCompany %}
  871.                                                         <div class="review-descriptions mb-2" id="prest_{{key}}">
  872.                                                             Réponse du prestataire :<br>
  873.                                                             <i>{{ productAvi.responseCompany }}</i>
  874.                                                         </div>
  875.                                                     {% endif %}
  876.                                                     <!-- /.review-descripttions -->
  877.                                                 </div>
  878.                                             </div>
  879.                                         {% endif %}
  880.                                     {% else %}
  881.                                         <p class="p-3">Aucun avis pour le moment</p>
  882.                                     {% endfor %}
  883.                                 </div>
  884.                             </div>
  885.                         </div>
  886.                         {% if app.user and app.user.roles[0] == 'ROLE_USER' %}
  887.                             {% set ifAvis = filter_service.getAvisUserExist(app.user, product) %}
  888.                             {% if ifAvis == false %}
  889.                                 <div class="card border card-shadow-none leave-review" id="review-form">
  890.                                     <div class="card-header bg-white mb0">
  891.                                         <h3 class="mb0">Evaluez votre commande</h3>
  892.                                     </div>
  893.                                     <div class="card-body">
  894.                                         <div class="review-rating-select">
  895.                                             <div class="rate-selection">
  896.                                                 <span class="text-dark">Qualité du service</span>
  897.                                                 <span id="rateYo1" class="jq-ry-container ml-4" style="width: 70px;">
  898.                                                     <div class="jq-ry-group-wrapper">
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  987.                                             </div>
  988.                                             <div class="rate-selection">
  989.                                                 <span class="text-dark">Rapidité</span>
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  1047.                                                     </div>
  1048.                                                 </span>
  1049.                                             </div>
  1050.                                             <div class="rate-selection">
  1051.                                                 <span class="text-dark">Communication</span>
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  1053.                                                     <div class="jq-ry-group-wrapper">
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  1059.                                                                 <polygon points="256.814,12.705 317.205,198.566 512.631,198.566 354.529,313.435 414.918,499.295 256.814,384.427 98.713,499.295 159.102,313.435 1,198.566 196.426,198.566 "></polygon>
  1060.                                                             </svg><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?--><svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 12.705 512 486.59" x="0px" y="0px" xml:space="preserve" width="14px" height="14px" fill="#d3d3d3" style="margin-left: 0px;">
  1061.                                                                 <polygon points="256.814,12.705 317.205,198.566 512.631,198.566 354.529,313.435 414.918,499.295 256.814,384.427 98.713,499.295 159.102,313.435 1,198.566 196.426,198.566 "></polygon>
  1062.                                                             </svg><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?--><svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 12.705 512 486.59" x="0px" y="0px" xml:space="preserve" width="14px" height="14px" fill="#d3d3d3" style="margin-left: 0px;">
  1063.                                                                 <polygon points="256.814,12.705 317.205,198.566 512.631,198.566 354.529,313.435 414.918,499.295 256.814,384.427 98.713,499.295 159.102,313.435 1,198.566 196.426,198.566 "></polygon>
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  1065.                                                         </div>
  1066.                                                         <div class="jq-ry-rated-group jq-ry-group" id="rate6" style="width: 72%;"><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?--><svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 12.705 512 486.59" x="0px" y="0px" xml:space="preserve" width="14px" height="14px" fill="#ff9227">
  1067.                                                                 <polygon points="256.814,12.705 317.205,198.566 512.631,198.566 354.529,313.435 414.918,499.295 256.814,384.427 98.713,499.295 159.102,313.435 1,198.566 196.426,198.566 "></polygon>
  1068.                                                             </svg><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?--><svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 12.705 512 486.59" x="0px" y="0px" xml:space="preserve" width="14px" height="14px" fill="#ff9227" style="margin-left: 0px;">
  1069.                                                                 <polygon points="256.814,12.705 317.205,198.566 512.631,198.566 354.529,313.435 414.918,499.295 256.814,384.427 98.713,499.295 159.102,313.435 1,198.566 196.426,198.566 "></polygon>
  1070.                                                             </svg><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?--><svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 12.705 512 486.59" x="0px" y="0px" xml:space="preserve" width="14px" height="14px" fill="#ff9227" style="margin-left: 0px;">
  1071.                                                                 <polygon points="256.814,12.705 317.205,198.566 512.631,198.566 354.529,313.435 414.918,499.295 256.814,384.427 98.713,499.295 159.102,313.435 1,198.566 196.426,198.566 "></polygon>
  1072.                                                             </svg><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?--><svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 12.705 512 486.59" x="0px" y="0px" xml:space="preserve" width="14px" height="14px" fill="#ff9227" style="margin-left: 0px;">
  1073.                                                                 <polygon points="256.814,12.705 317.205,198.566 512.631,198.566 354.529,313.435 414.918,499.295 256.814,384.427 98.713,499.295 159.102,313.435 1,198.566 196.426,198.566 "></polygon>
  1074.                                                             </svg><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?--><svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 12.705 512 486.59" x="0px" y="0px" xml:space="preserve" width="14px" height="14px" fill="#ff9227" style="margin-left: 0px;">
  1075.                                                                 <polygon points="256.814,12.705 317.205,198.566 512.631,198.566 354.529,313.435 414.918,499.295 256.814,384.427 98.713,499.295 159.102,313.435 1,198.566 196.426,198.566 "></polygon>
  1076.                                                             </svg>
  1077.                                                         </div>
  1078.                                                     </div>
  1079.                                                 </span>
  1080.                                             </div>
  1081.                                         </div>
  1082.                                         {{ form_start(formComment) }}
  1083.                                         <div class="row">
  1084.                                             {# <div style="color:red">{{ form_errors(formComment) }}</div> #}
  1085.                                             <div class="col-xl-12 col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-12 mt30">
  1086.                                                 {# <div class="form-group">
  1087.                                                     {{ form_label(form.imageComment, '', {'label_attr': {'class': 'control-label'}}) }}
  1088.                                                     {{ form_widget(form.imageComment) }}
  1089.                                                 </div> #}
  1090.                                                 {# <div class="col-md-12"> #}
  1091.                                                     {{form_widget(formComment)}}
  1092.                                                 {# </div> #}
  1093.                                                 {# <div class="form-group">
  1094.                                                     {{ form_label(formComment.text, '', {'label_attr': {'class': 'control-label'}}) }}
  1095.                                                     {{ form_widget(formComment.text, {'attr': {'class': 'form-control', 'rows': 5}}) }}
  1096.                                                 </div> #}
  1097.                                             </div>
  1098.                                             <!-- Button -->
  1099.                                             <div class="col-xl-12 col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-12">
  1100.                                                 <div class="form-group">
  1101.                                                     <button id="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-default">Ajouter mon avis</button>
  1102.                                                 </div>
  1103.                                             </div>
  1104.                                         </div>
  1105.                                         {# {{ form_rest(formComment) }} #}
  1106.                                         {{ form_end(formComment) }}
  1107.                                     </div>
  1108.                                 </div>
  1109.                             {% endif %}
  1110.                         {% endif %}
  1111.                     </div>
  1112.                     <!-- /.review-content -->
  1113.                 </div>
  1114.                 <!-- /.location -->
  1115.                 <!-- list-sidebar -->
  1116.                 <div class="col-xl-4 col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-12 col-12">
  1117.                     <div
  1118.                         class="sidebar-venue">
  1119.                         <!-- FORMULAIRE DU PANIER -->
  1120.                         {% set isService = false %}
  1121.                         {% for productSubCategory in product.subCategories %}
  1122.                             {% if productSubCategory.isService == true %}
  1123.                                 {% set isService = true %}
  1124.                             {% endif %}
  1125.                         {% endfor %}
  1126.                         {% if isService != true %}
  1127.                             {% include "front/product/cart/cart_form.html.twig" with {'product' : product} %}
  1128.                         {% endif %}
  1129.                         {% if isService == true %}
  1130.                             <!-- TEST DU TYPE DE SERVICE (location ou réservation) -->
  1131.                             {% set isLocation = false %}
  1132.                             {% for singleCategory in product.subcategories %}
  1133.                                 {% if singleCategory.name == "Location de salle" or singleCategory.name == "Location de vehicule"  %}
  1134.                                     {% set isLocation = true %}
  1135.                                 {% endif %}
  1136.                             {% endfor %}
  1137.                             <!-- FORMULAIRE DE LOCATION -->
  1138.                             {% if isLocation == true or product.typeLocation is not null %}
  1139.                                 {% include "front/product/location/location_form.html.twig" with {'product' : product} %}
  1140.                             {% endif %}
  1141.                             <!-- FORMULAIRE DE RESERVATION DE SERVICES -->
  1142.                             {% if isLocation == false and product.typeLocation is null %}
  1143.                                 {% include "front/product/reservation/reservation_form.html.twig" with {'product' : product} %}
  1144.                             {% endif %}
  1145.                         {% endif %}
  1146.                         <div class="vendor-owner-profile mb30">
  1147.                             <div class="vendor-owner-profile-head">
  1148.                                 <h3 class="mb-0">Livraison</h3>
  1149.                             </div>
  1150.                             <div class="vendor-owner-profile-content">
  1151.                                 <ul class="list-group list-group-flush">
  1152.                                     <li class="list-group-item">
  1153.                                         <span class="mr-2">
  1154.                                             <i class="fas fa-fw fa-map-marker-alt"></i>
  1155.                                         </span>
  1156.                                         {% for department in product.departments %}
  1157.                                             {{ department.name }}
  1158.                                             {% if not loop.last %},
  1159.                                             {% endif %}
  1160.                                         {% else %}
  1161.                                             Toute la France
  1162.                                         {% endfor %}
  1163.                                     </li>
  1164.                                 </ul>
  1165.                             </div>
  1166.                         </div>
  1167.                         <!-- venue-admin -->
  1168.                         <div class="vendor-owner-profile mb30">
  1169.                             <div class="vendor-owner-profile-head">
  1170.                                 <h3 class="mb-4">Prestataire</h3>
  1171.                             </div>
  1172.                             <div class="vendor-owner-profile-content">
  1173.                                 <ul class="list-group list-group-flush">
  1174.                                     <li class="list-group-item">
  1175.                                         <span class="mr-2">
  1176.                                             <a href="{{ path('front_company_single', {'companySlug': product.company.companySlug, 'id': product.company.id}) }}" class="btn btn-default btn-sm ml-2 text-center">Voir le prestataire</a>
  1177.                                         </span>
  1178.                                     </li>
  1179.                                 </ul>
  1180.                             </div>
  1181.                         </div>
  1182.                     </div>
  1183.                 </div>
  1184.             </div>
  1185.             <!-- /.list-sidebar -->
  1186.         </div>
  1187.     </div>
  1188.     <!-- vendor-thumbnail section -->
  1189.     <div class="space-small">
  1190.         <div class="container">
  1191.             <div class="row">
  1192.                 <div class="col-xl-12 col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-12">
  1193.                     <h2>Autres services du prestataire</h2>
  1194.                 </div>
  1195.             </div>
  1196.             <div class="row">
  1197.                 {% for otherProduct in otherProducts %}
  1198.                     <div class="col-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12">
  1199.                         <div class="container-block-Pcompanies mb-3">
  1200.                             <div class="container-imageP zoomimg">
  1201.                                 <a href="{{ path('front_product_single', {'slug': otherProduct.subCategories[0].categories[0].slug, 'subCategorySlug': otherProduct.subCategories[0].subCategorySlug, 'product_id': otherProduct.id, 'productSlug': otherProduct.productSlug}) }}">
  1202.                                     {% if otherProduct.photos is not empty %}
  1203.                                         <img src="{{ asset(constant('App\\Services\\File::IMAGE_PRODUCT_DIR') ~ otherProduct.photos.first.url) }}" alt="{{ otherProduct.name }}" class="img-fluid" style="object-fit: cover; border-radius: .5rem .5rem 0 0;">
  1204.                                     {% endif %}
  1205.                                 </a>
  1206.                             </div>
  1207.                             <div class="container-info-presta" style="padding-bottom: 80px;">
  1208.                                 <h2 class="vendor-title">
  1209.                                     <a href="{{ path('front_product_single', {'slug': otherProduct.subCategories[0].categories[0].slug, 'subCategorySlug': otherProduct.subCategories[0].subCategorySlug, 'product_id': otherProduct.id, 'productSlug': otherProduct.productSlug}) }}" class="title">{{ otherProduct.name }}</a>
  1210.                                 </h2>
  1211.                                 <p class="vendor-address">
  1212.                                     {% for department in otherProduct.departments %}
  1213.                                         {{ department.name }}
  1214.                                         {% if not loop.last %},
  1215.                                         {% endif %}
  1216.                                     {% else %}
  1217.                                         Toute la France
  1218.                                     {% endfor %}
  1219.                                 </p>
  1220.                                 <p>
  1221.                                     <i class="fas fa-money-bill-wave"></i>
  1222.                                     Prix
  1223.                                     <strong>{{ otherProduct.price|number_format(2, '.', '') }}</strong>
  1224.                                     €</p>
  1225.                                 <p>
  1226.                                     <i class="fa fa-star rated"></i>
  1227.                                     {{ otherProduct.avis|length }} Avis</p>
  1228.                                 {% if otherProduct.quantity %}
  1229.                                     <p>{{ otherProduct.quantity }}
  1230.                                         Quantité restante</p>
  1231.                                 {% else %}
  1232.                                     <p style="color: transparent;">Quantité restante</p>
  1233.                                 {% endif %}
  1234.                             </div>
  1235.                             <div class="wishlist-sign">
  1236.                                 <a href="#" class="btn-wishlist">
  1237.                                     <i class="fa fa-heart"></i>
  1238.                                 </a>
  1239.                             </div>
  1240.                             <a href="{{ path('front_product_single', {'slug': otherProduct.subCategories[0].categories[0].slug, 'subCategorySlug': otherProduct.subCategories[0].subCategorySlug, 'product_id': otherProduct.id, 'productSlug': otherProduct.productSlug}) }}" class="title">
  1241.                                 <button class="btnVoirP btn">Voir le produit</button>
  1242.                             </a>
  1243.                         </div>
  1244.                     </div>
  1245.                 {% else %}
  1246.                     <div class="col-md-12 mt-5 text-center">
  1247.                         <p>Aucun autre produit.</p>
  1248.                     </div>
  1249.                 {% endfor %}
  1250.             </div>
  1251.             {# <div class="row">
  1252.                 {% for otherProduct in otherProducts %}
  1253.                     <div class="col-xl-4 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12">
  1254.                         <div
  1255.                             class="vendor-thumbnail">
  1256.                             <!-- Vendor thumbnail -->
  1257.                             <div
  1258.                                 class="vendor-img zoomimg">
  1259.                                 <!-- Vendor img -->
  1260.                                 <a href="{{ path('front_product_single', {'slug': otherProduct.subCategories[0].categories[0].slug, 'subCategorySlug': otherProduct.subCategories[0].subCategorySlug, 'product_id': otherProduct.id, 'productSlug': otherProduct.productSlug}) }}">
  1261.                                     {% if otherProduct.photos is not empty %}
  1262.                                         <img src="{{ asset(constant('App\\Services\\File::IMAGE_PRODUCT_DIR') ~ otherProduct.photos.first.url) }}" alt="{{ otherProduct.name }}" class="img-fluid">
  1263.                                     {% endif %}
  1264.                                 </a>
  1265.                                 <div class="wishlist-sign">
  1266.                                     <a href="#" class="btn-wishlist">
  1267.                                         <i class="fa fa-heart"></i>
  1268.                                     </a>
  1269.                                 </div>
  1270.                             </div>
  1271.                             <!-- /.Vendor img -->
  1272.                             <div
  1273.                                 class="vendor-content">
  1274.                                 <!-- Vendor Content -->
  1275.                                 <h2 class="vendor-title">
  1276.                                     <a href="{{ path('front_product_single', {'slug': otherProduct.subCategories[0].categories[0].slug, 'subCategorySlug': otherProduct.subCategories[0].subCategorySlug, 'product_id': otherProduct.id, 'productSlug': otherProduct.productSlug}) }}" class="title">{{ otherProduct.name }}</a>
  1277.                                 </h2>
  1278.                                 <p class="vendor-address">
  1279.                                     {% for department in otherProduct.departments %}
  1280.                                         {{ department.name }}
  1281.                                         {% if not loop.last %},
  1282.                                         {% endif %}
  1283.                                     {% else %}
  1284.                                         Toute la France
  1285.                                     {% endfor %}
  1286.                                 </p>
  1287.                             </div>
  1288.                             <div class="vendor-meta">
  1289.                                 <div class="vendor-meta-item vendor-meta-item-bordered">
  1290.                                     <span class="vendor-price">
  1291.                                         {{ otherProduct.price|number_format(2, '.', '') }}€
  1292.                                     </span>
  1293.                                     <span class="vendor-text">Prix</span>
  1294.                                 </div>
  1295.                                 <div class="vendor-meta-item vendor-meta-item-bordered">
  1296.                                     {% if otherProduct.quantity %}
  1297.                                         <span class="vendor-guest">
  1298.                                             {{ otherProduct.quantity }}
  1299.                                         </span>
  1300.                                         <span class="vendor-text">Quantité restante</span>
  1301.                                     {% endif %}
  1302.                                 </div>
  1303.                                 {% set notes = 0 %}
  1304.                                 {% for avi in otherProduct.avis %}
  1305.                                     {% set notes = notes + avi.globalNote %}
  1306.                                 {% endfor %}
  1307.                                 {% set noteTotal = (notes > 0) ? notes / otherProduct.avis|length : 0 %}
  1308.                                 <div class="vendor-meta-item vendor-meta-item-bordered">
  1309.                                     <span class="rating-star">
  1310.                                         {% for i in 1..5 %}
  1311.                                             {% if i < noteTotal %}
  1312.                                                 <i class="fa fa-star rated"></i>
  1313.                                             {% else %}
  1314.                                                 <i class="fa fa-star rate-mute"></i>
  1315.                                             {% endif %}
  1316.                                         {% endfor %}
  1317.                                     </span>
  1318.                                     <span class="rating-count vendor-text">({{ otherProduct.avis|length }})</span>
  1319.                                 </div>
  1320.                             </div>
  1321.                             <!-- /.Vendor Content -->
  1322.                         </div>
  1323.                         <!-- /.Vendor thumbnail -->
  1324.                     </div>
  1325.                 {% else %}
  1326.                     <div class="col-md-12 mt-5 text-center">
  1327.                         <p>Aucun autre produit.</p>
  1328.                     </div>
  1329.                 {% endfor %}
  1330.             </div> #}
  1331.         </div>
  1332.     </div>
  1333.     {# Question #}
  1334.     <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-5 col-lg-4 col-xl-3 position-fixed" id="chatbar" style="bottom:0;right:50px;z-index: 1000">
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  1337.                     <span style="color:#fff">
  1338.                         <i class="fas fa-comments"></i>
  1339.                         Une question sur ce
  1340.                         {% if product.company == 'product' %}produit{% else %}service{% endif%}
  1341.                         ?</span>
  1342.                     <div class="btn-group pull-right">
  1343.                         <a type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs">
  1344.                             <i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i>
  1345.                         </a>
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  1350.                         {# <h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalLongTitle">Créer un ticket</h5> #}
  1351.                         {# <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
  1352.                         <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
  1353.                         </button> 
  1354.                     </div> #}
  1355.                     <div class="titreSMS"><h3 style="margin-bottom: 0">Discutez avec le prestataire</h3></div>
  1356.                     {{ form_start(formTicket) }}
  1357.                     <span class="collapseMessage" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseOne">X</span>
  1358.                     <div class="modal-body">
  1359.                         {# supprime d'apres le retour 12/08/22
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  1362.                                 {{ form_row(formTicket.subject) }}
  1363.                             </div>
  1364.                         </div> #}
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  1367.                                 {{ form_row(formTicket.messagings) }}
  1368.                             </div>
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  1374.                         </div>
  1375.                     </div>
  1376.                     <div class="modal-footer">
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  1378.                         <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Envoyer</button>
  1379.                     </div>
  1380.                     {{ form_end(formTicket) }}
  1381.                     {# <div class="p-3" id="messageSuccessContact" style="background:green;color:#fff;display:none">Message envoyé !</div>
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  1390.                             {{ form_widget(formContact.email) }}
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  1392.                                 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-warning btn-sm" id="btn-chat">Envoyer</button>
  1393.                             </span>
  1394.                         </div>
  1395.                     </div>
  1396.                     {{ form_end(formContact) }} #}
  1397.                 </div>
  1398.             </div>
  1399.         </div>
  1400.     </div>
  1401.     {# Modal chat #}
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  1415.             }
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  1418.                 {# <a href="{{ path('front_product_single', {'slug': product.subCategories[0].categories[0].slug, 'subCategorySlug': product.subCategories[0].subCategorySlug, 'product_id': product.id, 'productSlug': product.productSlug}) }}" onclick="connect();"> #}
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  1420.                 <i class="fas fa-comments MyIconChat"></i>
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  1426.     {% endblock %}
  1427.      {% block _avis_imageComments_widget %}
  1428.         <p>Ici, vous pouvez ajouter vos image, sa taille ne doit pas dépasser 400ko !</p>
  1429.         <div class="form-group">
  1430.             <button class="btn btn-primary" id="add_image" data-target="#block_{{id}}" type="button">Ajouter une image</button>
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  1446.                             {{ form_errors(form.url, {'attr': {'class': 'form-control message'}}) }}
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  1448.                     </div>
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  1463.                                 title: 'Photo ' + {{ loop.index }}
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  1471.             {% endfor %}
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  1729. }
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  1749.             ruban: $("#optionsruban").val(),
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  1755. }
  1756. // Fonction afiches tous option
  1757. function voirtoutOption(id_product,url) {
  1758.     console.log('kokokoko',url);
  1759.     console.log('isID',id_product);
  1760.     // var id_product=314;
  1761.     $("#valeurOpion").html("");
  1762.     fetch(`${url}/tous-options-product/${id_product}`)
  1763.     .then(response=> response.json())
  1764.     .then(data=>{
  1765.         console.log('tous option', data);
  1766.         $("#valeurOpion").append(data);
  1767.     });
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  1784.      var qt =new Array();
  1785.     for (let l = 0; l < label.length; l++) {
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  1787.          if (label[l].type=="checkbox" && label[l].checked) {
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  1790.             qt[compter] = qte[l].value;
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  1794.             lab[compter] = label[l].value;
  1795.             qt[compter] = qte[l].value;
  1796.             compter++
  1797.         }
  1798.     }
  1799.     labels[i] = {idoption: id_goption[1], labelo: lab, qte: qt};
  1800.  }
  1801.     console.log('valin label',labels);
  1803.     localStorage.setItem('produit_option', JSON.stringify(labels));
  1804. }
  1805.         // Ajouter au panier
  1806. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
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  1813.     // var checkOpt = document.querySelectorAll('.option-product');
  1814.     // var dataOptios = [];
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  1816.     // checkOpt[i].addEventListener('change', (option) => {
  1817.     //     // console.log('pppp',this);
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  1819.     //     // console.log("izzz",param_url, idop);
  1820.     //     fetch(`${param_url}/option/${idop}`)
  1821.     //     .then(response=> response.json())
  1822.     //     .then(data=>{
  1823.     //         console.log('qqqqqq',data.options);
  1824.     //         console.log('nn',option.target.checked);
  1825.     //         if (option.target.checked) {
  1827.     //             var dataOption={
  1828.     //                     idoption: data.options.id ? data.options.id : null,
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  1838.     //                     }
  1839.     //             dataOptios.push(dataOption);
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  1841.     //             console.log('miala checked');
  1842.     //             console.log('donnée',dataOptios);
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  1844.     //                 if (dataOptios[g].idoption == idop) {
  1845.     //                     console.log('données_hita',dataOptios[g].idoption);
  1846.     //                 }
  1847.     //             }
  1848.     //         }
  1849.     //     });
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  1859.         //     //  console.log("valuo",values[j]);
  1860.         //     console.log('tonga_aty',dataOptios[h]);
  1861.         // }  
  1862.      var valeuroptions=localStorage.getItem('produit_option');
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  1864.      console.log("localstor", valeuroptions);
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  1866.     //  var table=[];
  1867.     //  for (let o = 0; o < valeuroptions.length; o++) {
  1868.     //     table[]= valeuroptions[o];    
  1869.     //  }
  1870.     //  console.log('valertab', table);
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  1885.              console.log("valuo",values[j]);
  1886.           }
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  1890.             body: formData
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  1927.                     return;
  1928.                 }
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  1934.                     return;
  1935.                 }
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  2008.         {% set isService = false %}
  2009.         {% for productSubCategory in product.subCategories %}
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  2016.             {% set isLocation = false %}
  2017.             {% for singleCategory in product.subcategories %}
  2018.                 {% if singleCategory.name == "Location de salle" or singleCategory.name == "Location de vehicule"  %}
  2019.                     {% set isLocation = true %}
  2020.                 {% endif %}
  2021.             {% endfor %}
  2022.             {% if isLocation is defined %}
  2023.                 <!-- LOCATIONS -->
  2024.                 {% if isLocation == true or product.typeLocation is not null %}
  2025.                     {% set locations = [] %}
  2026.                     {% for location in product.locations %}
  2027.                         {#% if annonce.categorie.libelle != 'SERVICES' %#}
  2028.                         {#% Si la location est en attente ou si la location est acceptée, elle est ajoutée au tableau locations %#}
  2029.                             {% if location.isAccepted is same as(null) or location.isAccepted is same as(true)%}
  2030.                         {% set locations = locations|merge([{debut: location.startAt, fin: location.endAt, typeLocation: location.product.typeLocation ? location.product.typeLocation.label : "" }]) %}
  2031.                     {% endif %}
  2032.                         {#% else %}
  2033.                             {% set locations = locations|merge([{debut: location.dateDebut|date("d/m/Y H:i"), fin: location.dateFin|date("d/m/Y H:i"), statut: location.statutLocation.id }]) %}
  2034.                         {% endif %#}
  2035.                     {% endfor %}
  2036.                     <script>
  2037.                         const checkOptLocation = document.querySelectorAll('.cheklocationclass');
  2039.                         for (var i = 0; i < checkOptLocation.length; i++) {
  2040.                             checkOptLocation[i].addEventListener('change', (option) => {
  2041.                                 if (option.target.checked) {
  2042.                                     const priceOptionre = option.target.getAttribute('data-price');
  2043.                                     console.log('yyyaaa',$("#totalPricese").html());
  2044.                                     var total= parseFloat($("#totalPricese").html()) + parseFloat(priceOptionre);
  2045.                                     $("#totalPricese").html(total);
  2046.                                 }else{
  2047.                                     const priceOptionre = option.target.getAttribute('data-price');
  2048.                                     var total= parseFloat($("#totalPricese").html()) - parseFloat(priceOptionre);
  2049.                                     $("#totalPricese").html(total);
  2050.                                 }
  2051.                             })
  2052.                         }
  2053.                     </script>
  2054.                     <script>
  2055.                         let locations = {{ locations|json_encode|raw }};
  2056.                     </script>
  2057.                     {% if product.typeLocation %}
  2058.                         {% if product.typeLocation.label == 'heure' %}
  2059.                             <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.17.1/moment-with-locales.min.js"></script>
  2060.                             <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/baguettebox.js/1.8.1/baguetteBox.min.js"></script>
  2061.                             <script src="{{asset('/js/jquery.datetimepicker.full.js')}}"></script>
  2062.                             <script src="{{ asset('/js/calendrierLocationHeure.js') }}"></script>
  2063.                         {% else %}
  2064.                             <script src="{{ asset('/js/calendrierJours.js') }}"></script>
  2065.                         {% endif %}
  2066.                     {% else %}
  2067.                         <script src="{{ asset('/js/calendrierJours.js') }}"></script>
  2068.                     {% endif %}
  2069.                 {% endif %}
  2070.                 <!-- RESERVATIONS -->
  2071.                 {% if isLocation is same as(false) and product.typeLocation is null %}
  2072.                     {% set reservationsList = [] %}
  2073.                     {% for reservation in product.reservations %}
  2074.                         {% if reservation.isAccepted is same as(null) or reservation.isAccepted is same as(true)%}
  2075.                             {% set reservationsList = reservationsList|merge([{date_livraison: reservation.reservationPlannedAt}]) %}
  2076.                         {% endif %}
  2077.                     {% endfor %}
  2078.                      {# <script>
  2079.                         const checkOptResevatio = document.querySelectorAll('.chekboxclass');
  2080.                         // console.log('ffafffa', checkOptResevatio);
  2081.                         for (var i = 0; i < checkOptResevatio.length; i++) {
  2082.                             checkOptResevatio[i].addEventListener('change', (option) => {
  2083.                                 console.log('vvvvvvv', option.target.checked, parseFloat($("#totalPricere").html()));
  2084.                                 if (option.target.checked) {
  2085.                                     const priceOptionre = option.target.getAttribute('data-price');
  2086.                                     var total= parseFloat($("#totalPricere").html()) + parseFloat(priceOptionre);
  2087.                                     $("#totalPricere").html(total);
  2088.                                 }else{
  2089.                                     const priceOptionre = option.target.getAttribute('data-price');
  2090.                                     var total= parseFloat($("#totalPricere").html()) - parseFloat(priceOptionre);
  2091.                                     $("#totalPricere").html(total);
  2092.                                 }
  2093.                             })
  2094.                         }
  2095.                      </script> #}
  2096.                     <script>
  2097.                         let reservationsList = {{ reservationsList|json_encode|raw }};
  2098.                     </script>
  2099.                     <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.17.1/moment-with-locales.min.js"></script>
  2100.                     <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/baguettebox.js/1.8.1/baguetteBox.min.js"></script>
  2101.                     <script src="{{asset('/js/jquery.datetimepicker.full.js')}}"></script>
  2102.                     <script src="{{ asset('/js/calendrierReservation.js') }}"></script>
  2103.                 {% endif %}
  2104.             {% endif %}
  2105.         {% endif %}
  2106.     {% endblock %}